Ready To Fall In Love In The New Year 2021?
In the last blog post, we chatted about why the Christmas season is the best time for you to look for your perfect one before the holidays. This time we are back with a story that will warm your soul during these snowy days and hopefully get you excited for the upcoming New Year of 2021. This beautiful couple’s story melts our hearts, and we believe that anyone reading this story will be able to find a special someone if they make it their New Year 2021 resolution. So without making you wait any further, let’s get the ball rolling!

Let The Story Begin To Make Your 2021 New Year Even Greater
The story unfolds with two singles named Helen Tran and Jonathan Song ready for cuffing season. Both of them were in their twenties with some lofty spirits when it comes to a mating partner.

We at EME Hive sat with them in a Q&A session to find out how this cute “Korean BBQ” and “Vietnamese Pho” couple got together. We asked them some questions that many of our users are interested to know for dating in the New Year.
She had a very innocent aura in her photos, and she wrote I love dogs in her bio, and that was a huge part.
~ Jonathan
EME Hive: How long have you and your partner been together?
Both: 1 to 2 years
EME Hive: How did you hear about EME Hive (or EastMeetEast)? And why do you think EME Hive, in particular, was able to help you find your partner?
- Jonathan: I found the app through my friend’s suggestion, and I think the app, in particular, recommends Asian only, so it was easier to find.
- Helen: I found out about the app through Asian YouTuber recommendations such as Fung Bros. I think as I am only into Asian guys, that’s why it was much easier to find the one as compared to other apps where I could not find my type.
It was probably the best first date I had ever had. I went to his house where he cooked for me Korean cuisine.
~ Helen
Moving further, we also asked them specific questions related to their cuffing experience. To our surprise, we discovered that Helen was still a student when she met her cuffing partner. On the other hand, Jonathan is an enthusiastic photographer who loves his job. Isn’t it a cute story and encourages you to look for your mating partner before this cuffing season?
The even more appealing aspect is that when we asked Helen what sparked her interest in Jonathan?
EME Hive: What stood out to you about your partner’s profile on the app?
- Jonathan: She had a very innocent aura in her photos. She also wrote, “I love dogs.” (EME Hive Expert Tip #1: Guys, go get yourself a pet!) and that was a huge part.
- Helen: He said in his bio that “I am a photographer, and I am only 5’ 2.” It was funny, but it intrigued me. Haha.

These replies must have motivated you to be yourself in dating apps, and don’t be afraid of reflecting your real personality. Trust us; you are not far from finding your perfect one. Another highlightable aspect is that making the first move is necessary. Don’t think of yourself desperate if you are the one. Just make it. In this story, when we inquired who made the first move?
EME Hive: Your initial conversation on the app: Who messaged who first, what did you say, and how did the other person respond?
- Jonathan: I messaged Helen saying, “Hi my name is Jonathan, and it’s I’m sorry it’s my first time doing this sort of thing.” She responded with “hey”.
- Helen: He started with “Hey Helen, sorry I’m sort of new to this kind of thing.” and I replied with “Hi Jonathan, don’t worry, trying new things is good right?”
EME Hive: After your initial conversation, how did you progress from taking the conversation to know each other to actually setting up a date?
- Jonathan: I think she started sharing deep conversations and it had brought us closer to where I wanted to take her on a date.
- Helen: We exchanged social media and even shared our numbers. During this time we had gotten to know each other a lot more and eventually, he wanted to take me for a date.
Their relationship continued lifting to new levels. After exchanging social media accounts and phone numbers, they went for their first date. According to them, it was the best first date ever where Jonathan cooked Korean Cuisine for her. (EME Hive Expert Tip #2: Try this in your dates in the 2021 New Year. Add a personal touch to your date to show that the date really meant something)
EME Hive: What was your first date like? Were they the person you imagined behind their profile?
- Jonathan: The first date was great! I cooked her Korean food for lunch and she loved it. We also went to an arboretum and golfing where she also hit me with the club on accident but it’s okay. It was an awesome date. She was the person I imagined through her profile: shy at first but crazy when you get to know her.
- Helen: It was probably the best first date I had ever had!!! I went to his house where he cooked for me Korean cuisine. We went to the arboretum where he grew up going to a lot and went golfing. We also visited a childhood park of his where I got to learn a lot about him and I felt like we connected so well. He was actually different from what I thought. I was a bit iffy at first but when meeting him in real life, I thought he was much handsome and I could tell he was very genuine.
EME Hive: What do you say to someone looking to meet their “someone special” on the EME app, but have reservations about online dating?
- Jonathan: I was like that personally myself at that time, so choose and pick your shots. If someone says no, move on. If someone says yes, try it out. Have a healthy balance of meeting people online and don’t get caught up with it too much.
- Helen: I think it is okay to be scared. I think you just need to experiment a little bit. Pick and choose someone you like and they’ll do the same if they want to. Be casual with your dates and be careful and know who they really are before proceeding to more serious stages. Overall, don’t be scared and have fun with it. If things don’t work out, it’s okay and you can always find someone better.

EME Hive: Do share your future plans together as a couple.
Both: We are still students so once we’re graduate college in 2 years, we want to move in together. We also want to meet each other’s parents soon within a year or so.
Jonathan, 20, Korean & Helen, 20, Vietnamese matched on EME Hive
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About EME Hive
EME Hive is the #1 community-based dating and live-streaming friendship app in the US for finding like-minded singles and friends around you. Join one of our many user communities, whether it’s your cultural heritage, favorite hobby, or sports interest, to meet people that complements (or totally in the opposite pole) you. Give it a try! Leave 2020 behind and start the New Year 2021, with memories that will last a lifetime.