1st Impression, Best Impression

We all know the first impression is a lasting one, especially when it comes to dating. Why not make your first impression with a bang? Do you know that here on EME Hive we have a feature that allows our subscribed users to not only send messages to potential love matches, but also send gifts!

Yes thats right, you can send your crush a gift to let them know just how you care & how much you are interested in them. When sending a gift through messages, you are guaranteed to have a top spot on their messages (no matter when the message was sent).

How to do it? It’s simple:

Go to our dating search tab and select which user you would like to get to know better

Once at their profile, press on the message icon

*Keep in mind that you can only send a gift if the text field is empty

Once on the messenger screen, you will notice their is a gifting option. Press on the gift icon

Your message will be on top of the recipients message list if you send a gift!

All that is left is for you to take the leap and send your crush a gift! It is the best way to make a great first impression.

Don’t be shy, MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!

Thank you for being a part of the EME community!

With love,


Questions or concerns? Reach out to us at hello@emehive.com

Author: eme

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