1st Impression, Best Impression
We all know the first impression is a lasting one, especially when it comes to dating. Why not make your first impression with a bang? Do you know that here on EME Hive we have a feature that allows our subscribed users to not only send messages to potential love matches, but also send gifts!
Yes thats right, you can send your crush a gift to let them know just how you care & how much you are interested in them. When sending a gift through messages, you are guaranteed to have a top spot on their messages (no matter when the message was sent).
How to do it? It’s simple:
Go to our dating search tab and select which user you would like to get to know better
Once at their profile, press on the message icon
Once on the messenger screen, you will notice their is a gifting option. Press on the gift icon
All that is left is for you to take the leap and send your crush a gift! It is the best way to make a great first impression.
Don’t be shy, MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!
Thank you for being a part of the EME community!
With love,
Questions or concerns? Reach out to us at hello@emehive.com